Wednesday, March 12, 2008

To the Artist JESUS CHRIST is the
one altogether lovely.

To the architect He is the chief

To the baker He is the living bread.

To the biologist He is life.

To the doctor He is the
great physician.

To the educator He is the
master teacher.

To the farmer He is the sower and
the LORD of the harvest.

To the florist He is the rose of Sharon
and the lily of the valley.

To the geologist He is the rock
of ages.

To the horticulturist He is the
true vine.

To the judge He is the righteous
judge of all mankind.

To the juror He is the faithful
true witness.

To the jeweler He is the pearl of
great price.

To the lawyer He is the counselor
and the lawgiver.

To the newspaper reporter He is
the Good News.

To the philanthropist He is the
unspeakable gift.

To the philosopher He is the
wisdom of GOD.

To the preacher He is the Word
of GOD.

To the sculptor He is the living stone.

To the servant He is the good master.

To the statesman He is the Lord
of all nations.

To the student He is the living truth.

To the theologian He is the author
and finisher of our faith.

To the sinner He is the Lamb of
GOD that takes away the sin of
this world.

To the Christian He is the Son of
the Living GOD, the Savior,
Redeemer and LORD.

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