Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone! Let's not forget what this day is about, the Resurrection of the Lord! If not for that, what would we have to believe in?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Forgiveness can be so hard sometimes. I've been there, when it comes to what they did to me in school, and what happened to my Mom. Somedays, I feel like I'm over it and have forgiven all the people involved, but then there are days when I just want to kill them! Forgiving needs to be done, and God is the only one who can give you the strength to do it!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

To the Artist JESUS CHRIST is the
one altogether lovely.

To the architect He is the chief

To the baker He is the living bread.

To the biologist He is life.

To the doctor He is the
great physician.

To the educator He is the
master teacher.

To the farmer He is the sower and
the LORD of the harvest.

To the florist He is the rose of Sharon
and the lily of the valley.

To the geologist He is the rock
of ages.

To the horticulturist He is the
true vine.

To the judge He is the righteous
judge of all mankind.

To the juror He is the faithful
true witness.

To the jeweler He is the pearl of
great price.

To the lawyer He is the counselor
and the lawgiver.

To the newspaper reporter He is
the Good News.

To the philanthropist He is the
unspeakable gift.

To the philosopher He is the
wisdom of GOD.

To the preacher He is the Word
of GOD.

To the sculptor He is the living stone.

To the servant He is the good master.

To the statesman He is the Lord
of all nations.

To the student He is the living truth.

To the theologian He is the author
and finisher of our faith.

To the sinner He is the Lamb of
GOD that takes away the sin of
this world.

To the Christian He is the Son of
the Living GOD, the Savior,
Redeemer and LORD.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Here's Something my Pastor gave me that I thought you all might find

March 10: Read John 15&16
11: " " 17&18
12: " 19&20
13: John 21& Matt. 1
14: Matt. 2&3
15: " 4&5
16: " 6&7
17: " 8&9
18: " 10&11
19 " 12&13
20 " 14&15
21 " 16&17
22 " 18&19
23 " 20&21
24 " 22&23
25 " 24&25
26 " 26&27
27 28& Mark 1
28: " 2&3
29 " 4&5
30 " 6&7
31 " 8&9

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lord, please give me the vision to tell if these so called "Poor" African, Indian ect., people are telling me the truth about their problems, and if they really are, please help them out. And if the ones who say they are preachers are real, help their churches out too.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Remember that your presence is a present to the world.

Remember that you are a unique and unrepeatable creation.

Remember that your life can be what you want it to be.

Remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.

Remember that you'll make it through whatever comes along.

Remember that most of the answers you need are within you.

Remember those dreams waiting to be realized.

Remember that decisions are too important to leave to chance.

Remember to always reach for the best that is within you.

Remember that nothing wastes more energy than worry.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful
stroke of luck.

Remember that the longer you carry a grudge, the heavier it gets.

Remember not to take things too seriously.

Remember to laugh.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.

Remember that a lot goes forever.

Remember that happiness is more often found in giving than getting.

Remember that life's treasures are people, not things.

Remember that miracles still happen.

Church Feud



There was a feud between the Pastor and the Choir Director of
the Hicksville Southern Baptist Church..

It seems the first hint of trouble came when the Pastor preached on
"Dedicating Yourselves to Service" and the Choir Director chose to
sing: "I Shall Not Be Moved". Trying to believe it was a coincidence,
the Pastor put the incident behind him.

The next Sunday he preached on "Giving." Afterwards, the choir
squirmed as the director led them in the hymn: "Jesus Paid It All".
By this time, t he Pastor was losing his temper.

Sunday morning attendance swelled as the tension between the two
built. A large crowd showed up the next week to hear his sermon
on "The Sin of Gossiping." Would you believe the Choir
Director selected the song: "I Love T o Tell The Story".

Ther e was no turning back. The following Sunday the Pastor told the
congregation that unless something changed, he was considering
resignation. The entire church gasped when the Choir Director led
them in: "Why Not Tonight"?

Truthfully, no one was surprised when t he Pastor resigned a week later,
explaining that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was leading him
away. The Choir Director could not resist: "What A Friend We Have In